GBM Blog
Professor Maathai is Honored by Oregon Artist in Portrait
Inspired by Professor Wangari Maathai, April Waters has painted a beautiful portrait to honor her at an upcoming art show.
Empowering women through clean energy
wPOWER aims to empower over 8,000 women clean energy entrepreneurs across East Africa, Nigeria and India.
Africa’s First Water Fund launched in Kenya
The Nairobi Water Fund will serve as a model for other nations.
Wangari Maathai Day 2015
The Government of Kenya, led by His Excellency the President Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta, today hosted the celebration of the annual Wangari Maathai Day, Africa Environment Day & World Wildlife Day.
The Ministry of Energy and Petroleum hails GBM’s rehabilitation of Chepalungu forest in the Mau Complex
This project aims at restoring 156.8 hectares by planting 248,000 seedlings
Unhappy valley in the Aberdares
Happy Valley was the name given to the Wanjohi Valley, in Nyandarua County, where a small community of affluent white expatriates settled between the two world wars.
Reflections on COP20 in Lima: A Call to Action
This blog was writtend by Francesca de Gasparis, GBMI-Europe Consultant.
The Annual Climate Change Conference (COP20) is over, and there has been a lot of press about outcome and the Lima Call to Climate Action. After very good news for climate action in recent months: the US - China agreement and the UN Climate Summit in September, COP20 did not lived up to expectations. Achieving a binding agreement by Paris next year in order to prevent runaway climate change later this century is looking far less likely than when we arrived in Lima at the end of November. There are a number of good articles and analyses of what the Lima agreement impact will be.
GBMI-Europe roundtable: Resilience and Climate Finance, an overview of current opportunities and challenge
Climate financing mechanisms are one of the current many proposed solutions to the challenges posed by climate change. They have been operational since the launch in 2008 of The United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (UN-REDD) and they vary enormously in size, their capacity to cope with the impact of climate change, the resources utilized, the degree of involvement of local communities, the designated countries of implementation and many more factors.
As part of the Green Belt Movement International- Europe’s activities in advocating for Climate Change, we gather views and experiences about current strategies hoping to make some clearance in the intricate jungle of the mechanisms aimed at addressing climate change. As a result of our latest Round Table held in London in late 2014, we had the opportunity to exchange knowledge and information to foster better understanding and collaboration among those working on climate, forest and community issues, and we were lucky enough to be joined by RSPB and FERN representatives.
Unveiling of the Wangari Maathai Plaque in Lima
The Green Belt Movement (GBM) would like thank the Municipality of San Borja, the District hosting the UNFCCC COP 20 (Lima, Peru) in planting a ceremonial tree in honor of the late Professor Wangari Maathai for her actions in promoting sustainable development, democracy, peace and environmental conservation through tree planting.
A Park in Lima honor of Wangari Maathai
We are delighted to inform you all that the Municipality of San Borja, the District hosting the UNFCCC COP 20 have organized a ceremonial tree planting at the city of Lima tomorrow 9th December 2014 to honor the Memory of Prof. Wangari Maathai as part of the UNFCC COP 20 events. We thank the authorities in Lima for this honor.