GBM Blog Archive: August 2013

ABC Home and Planet Foundation Initiative - Kenya's Coastal Region

August 1, 2013 - 03:20PM
Published by David Kamau

The Green Belt Movement (GBM) through support from ABC Home and Planet Foundation has planted over 500,000 trees in Kenya’s Coastal region with focus on these four areas: Msambweni, Matuga Voi, Wundanyi and Mwatate constituencies.

Hummingbirds Around the World Inspired by Wangari Maathai's Work

August 11, 2013 - 10:30PM
Published by Lauren Berger

Wangari Maathai wanted everyone to get involved with environmental activities and to "Be a Hummingbird". In the past few months, young hummingbirds from around the world have taken action and have helped bring Wangari Maathai's work to their owncommunities.