GBM Blog Archive: September 2013
Second Anniversary Memorial for Professor Wangari Muta Maathai
On this day, the Green Belt Movement (GBM) Board Members, staff, members of GBM’s tree nursery groups, and the public came together to pay homage to our fallen heroine with some very special guests.
The Legacy of Wangari Maathai: Two Years On
Wangari Maathai's death came as a shock to many people: friends, supporters, and those who admired what she'd done or drew strength from her life story.
“Africa’s Green Future: Nurturing the Vision of Wangari Maathai” at Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
Students at Yale's School of Forestry and Environmental Studies hosted a two day symposium celebrating Wangari Maathai's legacy and discussed Africa's environmental future. The event, "Africa's Green Future: Nurturing the Vision of Wangari Maathai" featured a viewing of Taking Root: The Vision of Wangari Maathai as well as a discussion with filmmakers Lisa Merton and Alan Dater, an interview with Wanjira Mathai, a panel discussion of African scholars, workshops, and a ceremonial tree planting in honor of Wangari Maathai.
Green Cross Sweden Fund –Smart Water for Green Schools in Nakuru County
A partnership between Green Cross Sweden and the Green Belt Movement (GBM) in Kenya has completed a year and a half pilot project in the Kamara location of Nakuru County to enhance the state of sanitation and hygiene for school children through improved access to safe drinking water and sanitation.
Kehkashan Basu, President of the Children's Board of Plant-for-the-Planet, visits GBM
On September 9th 2013, Kehkashan Basu, a 13 year old environmental and social activist living in Dubai, visited GBM’s headquarters in Nairobi to talk about her work and admiration on the Late Professor Wangari Maathai.