GBM Blog
Socio- Economic Baseline Survey to Analyze and Prioritize Soil, Water and Livestock Management Systems for Action
This baseline survey was conducted by a team of six enumerators who were trained for two days on how to use the IPADs and data collection monitored by The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Nairobi and US offices and GBM. A questionnaire was designed to provide information on the Upper Tana watersheds, with a focus on forest restoration, soil and water management, biodiversity, hydrology and vegetation profiles in the area and identify activities that could provide sound natural resources, soil and water management, local biodiversity conservation and livelihood improvement. GBM has five wards namely Kabaru, Ruguru, Mukurwe-ini West, Chinga and Mahiga. The team is targeting 100 farmers per ward. So far the team has completed Kabaru, Ruguru and Mukurwe-ini West (300 farmers) waiting to finalise in Chinga and Mahiga wards.
During the survey GBM, TNC, International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and Water Resource Management Authority (WRMA) had an opportunity to test water monitoring equipment at Maragua bridge in Muranga County. This is a key component in the projects being implemented by GBM, Sustainable Agriculture Community Development Programme (SACDEP) and Kenya National Federation of Agricultural Producers (KENFAP).
The Water Resource Management Authority (WRMA) will do pegging of key rivers to allow for riparian conservation and protection.