GBM Blog Archive: January 2016
COP21 Outcome
Overall COP21 has been lauded as being remarkable and ground-breaking in terms of reaching (finally) a universal agreement on tackling climate change. The expectations for COP21 were very high and the French host government did not disappoint in delivery - or did they?
Plastic Waste, a Menace in Rural and Urban Kenya
Plastic has become the most common material since the beginning of the 20th century and modern life is unthinkable without it. Unfortunately, what makes it so useful, such as its durability, light weight and low cost, also makes it problematic when it comes to its end of life phase due to its non-biodegradable nature.
Cherangany Community Trainers of Trainees Combat Climate Change inTrans Nzoia County
Over 1,000 bamboo and indigenous tree seedlings, including Prunus africana and Olea capensis, were planted in the most landslide-prone areas in Cherangany Hills in Trans Nzoia County.