GBM Blog
Case Study: ENVI helps The Green Belt Movement analyse vital Kenyan ecosystem
The Aberdares Forest is the source of drinking water for millions of Kenyans, including the population of Nairobi.
Bonn Climate Change Conference 2014
Last month saw the second round of United Nations climate talks take place in Bonn, Germany, from 4-15 June, with an outlook to make progress towards a legally-binding 2015 climate change agreement.
The conference included sessions of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies , which between them look at the “what’s and whys and how’s” of climate change adaptation, mitigation, technology and finance that will eventually form the policies and practices of the climate change treaty. As well as the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform (ADP); this focuses on enhancing the mitigation pledges and actions of Parties and ensuring agreed and effective implementation by all. It came at the same time of an announcement by US President Barak Obama of a 30% reduction in power plant emissions by 2030 and the completion of the essential elements required for full implementation of the Green Climate Fund (GCF).
Meeting the Challenges of Africa’s Transformation
The African Leadership Forum 2014
31st July, 2014 - Former President of Tanzania, Benjamin Mkapa convened a one-day, African Leadership Forum in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The overarching theme of the forum, which was coordinated by UONGOZI Institute, was “Meeting the Challenges of Africa’s Transformation”.
The Relationship between Environmental Stewardship and Sustainable Clean Energy Entrepreneurship
22nd, July 2014: The Green Belt Movement (GBM), Wangari Maathai Institute for Peace and Environmental Studies (WMI),wPOWER Project took a lead in Training of Trainers (TOTs) exposure training aimed at unlocking women potential in Natural Resource Management and Clean Energy Technology. The training of Trainer course on Sustainable Clean Energy Entrepreneurship which is being held in Kenya has representatives from 6 countries including Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Nigeria and India. This training was made possible through the wPOWER project with the financial support of the US State Department with parallel support from the MacArthur Foundation.
A New Climate Change Action: A System for Land Based Emission Estimation for Kenya (SLEEK)
As a part of its efforts to reduce the impacts of climate change the government of Kenya has identified the need to develop a comprehensive national carbon accounting system for Kenya (NCAS-K).
The Second Wangari Maathai Memorial Lecture at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
On the 24th of June 2014, friends and supporters of the Green Belt Movement celebrated the second annual Wangari Maathai Memorial Lecture at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Entrepreneurship: Green Belt Movement, Venture Africa and Gift a Tree
How an innovative recruitment process and an SRP engagement led to entrepreneurship and impact … and an exciting new social enterprise that you can get involved with:
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Widening Informed Stakeholder Engagement for REDD+ in Kenya
The Green Belt Movement was among the participants who participated in Widening Informed Stakeholder Engagement for REDD+ (WISE REDD+) project workshop for Kenya component was held on in May 2014 at Silver Springs Hotel in Nairobi.
Community In A Comfort Zone
Approaching Mt Elgon sent constant shivers down our spines as we discussed ancient folk tales of the Bagisu tribe who according to the tales were cannibals. This was confirmed by Annette, our guide and natural resources manager working in the area who told us that, that indeed this used to happen many years ago. She however assured us that we would be safe since that practice ended hundreds of years ago
Announcing our new Executive Director: Ms. Aisha Karanja
The Green Belt Movement's New Leadership.